Triple Chocolate Mousse Cake

July 22nd, 2011  |  89 Comments

A few months ago, reader Mika sent me an email asking if I could recreate a dessert that knocked her socks off at a restaurant in her home town. She wanted to be able to make it whenever the craving hit. And let’s face it, when it comes to chocolate, that could be any time of day or night. It was a Triple Chocolate Mousse Cake and she included a photo, so I could get a visual reference. Looked good to me. I was in.

But I kept peering at that photo. Did my eyes deceive me? Where, oh where was the third part of the “Triple” in the name? If I let my pastry imagination run amuck, Triple Chocolate Mousse would mean there would be three kinds of mousses — one layer each of white, milk, and dark chocolate.

I consulted the Great Sultan: Google.

Turns out, the “triple” refers to the number of layers all totaled, not the number of mousse-only layers, meaning the cake part was counted as a third. I reexamined the photo. Perhaps I needed my glasses, but the cake part was hard to see.

Ah, yes, there it was, acting as a meager bed, barely offering any reason-for-being. It felt a little sad, like sleeping on a thin mattress. In my mind, if it was to be counted as part of the “Triple”, it better step up and play a supporting role.

I decided to make the cake layer more substantial by spreading the batter a little thick before baking. This way, the dessert would offer a little cakey contrast to some of the bites. As for the mousse, any type of chocolate would work, whether it be dark, milk or white, but visually, white chocolate mousse is a perfect contrast to dark chocolate for a tuxedo-like effect. I went with those. Feel free to use whatever chocolate combos you like. If you want to do less work, you can stick with just one mousse and double the recipe, though the color contrast will be lost.

Or alternately, go bonkers. Rename the lot “Four-Chocolate Mousse Cake”, and make all three mousses.

For a little party on the tastebuds, I thought a little crunch would be of benefit. I usually can’t rest without adding a garnish and opted for a simple enhancement of chocolate-covered cereal. It ended up looking like some post-apocalyptic underwater terrain. Love it.

We also have sauce. Most desserts benefit from some kind of sauce, and now that I mention it, you may start noticing that just about all restaurant desserts do have some. Not only does it add more visual interest to a plate, all the forkfulls catch a little and help tie all the components together. It makes for a more finished presentation. And if there are kitchen mishaps, resulting in a too-dry dessert, sauce helps mask the error. Sauce is the ketchup of the dessert world.

I had some fun playing with the molds. I tried some long, skinny molds, if only for the irony of making a calorie-laden cake look like a super model. Then I had some short, wider molds to make mini cakes for 2 (or in my case, for 1). This would also work perfectly well as a large cake, set up in a ring like this.

The cake layer and the chocolate glaze get around. I’ve used the cake here, and the sauce here, and they’re two of the most versatile recipes in my repertoire. They can be dressed up in so many different ways.

This happens to be an eggless mousse, so the chocolate flavor shines through. Since the mix is a little on the loose side, I threw in some gelatin to help hold its structured shape. Keep in mind that any dessert made with gelatin gets more rubbery for each day it sits in the fridge (thanks to evaporating moisture and thus, a hardier concentration of gelatin left behind), so it’s best to consume it the day you defrost it.

Let’s hope this one stands tall and proud and does the original version justice. Only Mika can say for sure.

Individual Triple Chocolate Mousse Cakes

This recipe makes enough mousse for about eight 2″-diameter cakes, give or take, depending on the size of your molds. Make sure you have enough freezer space available to accommodate a sheet pan with ring molds.

The whole recipe must be made at least 6 hours before you plan to serve because the mousse needs a chance to set up, but if you like, you can make each step of this recipe on different days to break up the labor, and just keep it in the freezer until serving day.

There will be plenty of cake and chocolate sauce left, which can both be wrapped well and frozen, or enjoyed as a cake sundae by cutting the cake into squares, topping with a scoop of ice cream, and drizzling with chocolate sauce.

For the chocolate cake layer:
1 stick (112 g) unsalted butter
1 1/3 cups (257 g) sugar 
1/2 cup + 2 tablespoons (56 g) cocoa powder
2 large eggs
2 oz (56 g) dark chocolate, melted
1 3/4 cups (210 g) all-purpose flour
1 teaspoon (4 g) baking powder
3/4 teaspoon (3 g) baking soda
1/4 teaspoon (1 g) salt
1/2 cup (118 ml) water
1/2 cup (118 ml) milk

For the dark chocolate mousse:
1 teaspoon (3 grams) powdered gelatin 
2 tablespoons water
1/2 cup (105 g) whole milk
6 oz (175 g) good quality dark chocolate (or use milk chocolate if you prefer), finely chopped
1 1/4 cup (280 g) heavy cream

For the white chocolate mousse:
1/2 cup (105 g) whole milk
6 oz (175 g) good quality white chocolate
1 teaspoon (3 grams) powdered gelatin 
2 tablespoons water
3/4 cup (180 g) heavy cream

For the chocolate glaze and sauce:
4 oz (112g) dark chocolate, finely chopped
1/2 cup (80g) heavy cream 
3 tablespoons light corn syrup
1 tablespoon vegetable oil
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract

For the chocolate crunch:
1 cup Rice Crispies cereal, or similar rice cereal
2 oz (56 g) dark chocolate

First, the chocolate cake base.

Gettin’ ready. You can see how sweaty my eggs are in the photo. All cold ingredients should be at room temperature for better incorporation. Preheat oven to 325 degrees F.



Melt the chocolate. I like to chop it up fine like in the “ingredients” photo above, and melt it in the microwave in 30-second intervals. Chocolate burns easily, so stir between every zap. Mine took about 60-90 seconds to melt. Set it aside for the moment.



Using a tabletop or handheld electric mixer, beat the butter, sugar, and cocoa powder together on medium high speed…



…until smooth, creamy and fluffy, about 3 minutes. Hard to see with the cocoa in the bowl, but this is what it looks like 3 minutes later.



Add the eggs, one at a time, until each one disappears into the mix. Be sure to scrape down the sides and bottom of the bowl. Looks like a rising sun, no?



Getting liquidy here. Scrape. The dry, gritty stuff wants to collect at the bottom. Don’t let it win.



Pour in the melted chocolate. Hopefully, by now your chocolate came down in temperature a little. It should feel like a warm bath. If it’s too hot, it might melt the butter, and that’s no good. If it’s too cold, it might re-solidify into little bits when it hits the cold bowl. So, warm. We want it warm.



So far so good. Chocolate added.



In a medium bowl, stir together the dry ingredients, which include flour, baking powder, baking soda and salt. Stir ’em up good.



Combine the milk and the water and microwave until hot, about 45 seconds. Like a “too hot” bath.



Drop the dry ingredients into the mixing bowl…



…and mix on low speed…



…until MOSTLY combined, and then, with the machine still running, pour in the hot water/milk mixture.



Be sure to scrape the bottom of the bowl again. The dry ingredients tend to hide there. Here’s the finished batter. It should be smooth and lump-free.



Pour it into a 18″ x 13″ sheet pan that’s been first sprayed with nonstick cooking spray and lined with parchment. (You can use any sized sheet pan with high sides — just pour in enough batter to come about halfway up the sides. If you have leftover batter, you can pour it into greased muffin tins, and bake mini cakes as well.)


Spread that sucker out.


Bake in your preheated oven for about 18 minutes. Even though I specify a time amount, everyone’s ovens have a personality of their own, so it’s better to just pay attention to what the cake looks like. Here, the top doesn’t look wet anymore…


…and it springs back when I do a gentle press. Let it cool to room temperature. (Cake layer can be made a day ahead, if you’d like to break up the labor of this recipe. Wrap the whole thing, sheet pan and all, with plastic very well, and refrigerate.)


Cut a cake circle with each ring mold, regardless of which size you’ve decided to use.


Here they are on a parchment lined sheet pan, eagerly awaiting mousse. Any sized sheet pan will do, so long as all your molds will fit on it, and the pan fits in your freezer.


Now, let’s make some dark chocolate mousse:

Make sure your dark chocolate is finely chopped and waiting in a large bowl. Resist the urge to eat the shards.


First we’ll rehydrate the gelatin (otherwise known as “bloom” the gelatin.) Sprinkle it evenly over a small bowl with the water.


In 5 minutes, it’ll have slurped up the liquid and will look, well, gelatinous.


Next heat up the milk to a simmer in a small sauce pan. Stay close so it doesn’t boil all over.


Turn OFF the heat (This is important. When subjected to high heat, gelatin deteriorates and turns grainy) and then scrape the gelatin blob into the hot milk. Swirl the pan around until it’s completely dissolved. It’ll look like there’s nothing more than milk.


Pour this milk/gelatin concoction over the finely chopped chocolate…


…and let it rest for 2 minutes. The heat from the milk will melt down the chocolate.


Whisk it up into a smooth pool of goodness. Set it aside and let it cool to lukewarm. Don’t let it reach room temperature or the gelatin may start to set up.


Now, with a clean whisk, whip the cream.


A soft peak is perfect. This texture is easiest to fold into the chocolate.


Scoop about a third of the whipped cream into the chocolate. Since the chocolate is kind of dense and heavy, this will help lighten it up. When we fold in the rest of the cream, it won’t deflate as much.


Scrape the sides and bottom of the bowl as you work, gently turning the mix in on itself.


Then add the rest of the whipped cream, and gently fold that in.


Ooooo, nice lines!


All folded. If yours looks a little more liquidy than mine, it’s ok — the mousse will be denser but will still taste good. It probably means your chocolate was on the warm side when you folded the cream, or the cream was whipped a little loose.


Pour the mousse into the waiting molds, filling them about halfway, without dripping on the insides of the molds. Otherwise when you’re ready to unmold the finished dessert, the sides will look messy. Put the whole tray in the freezer while you make the white chocolate mousse.


Make the white chocolate mousse:

Here are the ingredients. They’re pretty much the same as the dark chocolate mousse, except there’s less cream to whip.


The method is also the same as the dark chocolate mousse, and will feel like old hat by now.

Again, we bloom the gelatin.


Simmer the milk…


scrape in the gelatin, and let it dissolve.


The gelatin/milk mix gets poured over the white chocolate…


and we whisk it up into a smooth pool.


Whip the cream to soft peak stage and fold a third of it in to lighten. I just so happened to whip my cream a little too stiff as seen here.


It gave me some trouble when I tried to fold it in.

One lump, or two?


If this happens to you, take a whisk, and gently bang out the lumps with a few swift wacks. Again the mousse will be more dense because I beat some of the air out, but it’s still pretty good. Here’s my finished mousse.


It gets poured into the molds, most of the way up. Leave some space on top, about 1/8″ – 1/4″ for the chocolate glaze. Pop the tray back into the freezer while you make the glaze and garnish.


Make the garnish:

All we need are chopped chocolate and crunchy rice cereal


Melt the chocolate in a medium sized bowl by nuking it in a microwave. Start with 30 seconds, stir, then continue with 20 second intervals until it’s completely melted. Chocolate can scorch easily, so it’s best to do the melting in short spurts.


All melted.


Throw in the cereal…


…and work it around the bowl until it’s completely coated. There’s something very satisfying about doing this. If some of this mix makes it into your gullet, I’ll look the other way.


Spread it all out on a parchment-lined sheet pan, keeping it in little flat clusters. This way, the cereal bits touch each other, and can dry in chunks. Pop it in the fridge to set up. (This keeps in the fridge for weeks. Once the chocolate sets up, you can break this up and keep the pieces in a small plastic container.)


Whew! Lastly, let’s knock out the chocolate sauce/glaze:

Here’s the stuff.



Pour the heavy cream, corn syrup and oil into a microwave-proof cup and nuke until almost boiling (you might be able to see it gurgling in the cup), about 45 seconds. It will look curdled but pay it no mind. Stir it up to blend.


Pour over the chocolate and allow to sit for a minute to melt it all.



Whisk everything until completely smooth.


Here’s your chocolate sauce/glaze. Yup, it’s that easy. When it’s cold, it’s firm yet soft. When it’s warm, it’s liquid. Very versatile. (You can store this in the fridge for up to a week, but it will firm up. To bring it back to its liquid splendor, microwave it in 30-second intervals and stir between each nuking until it’s saucy.)

Wait until the sauce cools to lukewarm (so it doesn’t melt down the mousse), and carefully pour sauce onto the tops of your molds. It’s going to start setting almost immediately on contact from the cold, so work fast. Back into the freezer they go for at least 4 hours, to fully set. Once set, if you plan to keep them frozen for a while, be sure to wrap the tray very well to keep the cakes from absorbing strange freezer flavors.


The day you want to serve them, you can unmold the number you need. They come out of the rings more cleanly when frozen. First, roll them around in the palms of your hands for a minutes. The heat helps release them.


Then treat them like a push-pop, and gently press them out. They have a tendancy to slip out and land with a thud on your tray, so go slowly.


Here they are all lined up, army-style. Keep them uncovered in the fridge while they defrost. It probably takes a couple of hours to defrost something of this size. If you made a big cake, you may need another hour or two.

Don’t let them sit in the fridge for more than a day. The longer a gelatin-based dessert sits in the fridge, the more rubbery it becomes.


Right when you’re ready to serve, warm the chocolate sauce in the microwave for 30 seconds, give it a stir and pour some in your dish. Carefully place a cake in the center, handling it as little as possible to avoid getting grubby fingerprints all over it. Adorn the top and sides with some crunch pieces.

I couldn’t wait another minute.

Triple Chocolate Mousse Cake

This recipe makes enough mousses for about eight 2″-diameter cakes, give or take, depending on the size of your molds. Make sure you have enough freezer space available to accommodate a sheet pan with ring molds.

The whole recipe must be made at least 6 hours before you plan to serve because the mousse needs a chance to set up, but if you like, you can make each step of this recipe on different days to break up the labor, and just keep it in the freezer until serving day.

There will be plenty of cake and chocolate sauce left, which can both be wrapped well and frozen, or enjoy them as a cake sundae by cutting the cake into squares, topping with a scoop of ice cream, and drizzling with chocolate sauce.

For the chocolate cake layer:
1 stick (112 g) unsalted butter
1 1/3 cups (257 g) sugar 
1/2 cup + 2 tablespoons (56 g) cocoa powder
2 large eggs
2 oz (56 g) dark chocolate, melted
1 3/4 cups (210 g) all-purpose flour
1 teaspoon (4 g) baking powder
3/4 teaspoon (3 g) baking soda
1/4 teaspoon (1 g) salt
1/2 cup (118 ml) water
1/2 cup (118 ml) milk

For the dark chocolate mousse:
1 teaspoon (3 grams) powdered gelatin 
2 tablespoons water
1/2 cup (105 g) whole milk
6 oz (175 g) good quality dark chocolate (or use milk chocolate if you prefer), finely chopped
1 1/4 cup (280 g) heavy cream

For the white chocolate mousse:
1/2 cup (105 g) whole milk
6 oz (175 g) good quality white chocolate
1 teaspoon (3 grams) powdered gelatin 
2 tablespoons water
3/4 cup (180 g) heavy cream

For the chocolate glaze and sauce:
4 oz (112g) dark chocolate, finely chopped
1/2 cup (80g) heavy cream 
3 tablespoons light corn syrup
1 tablespoon vegetable oil
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract

For the chocolate crunch:
1 cup Rice Crispies cereal, or similar rice cereal
2 oz (56 g) dark chocolate

First make the chocolate cake layer:

1. All cold ingredients should be at room temperature for better incorporation. Preheat oven to 325 degrees F.

2. Melt the chocolate. I like to chop it up fine, and melt it in the microwave in 30-second intervals. Chocolate burns easily, so stir between every zap. Mine took about 60-90 seconds to melt. Keep it to the side for the moment.

3. Using a tabletop or handheld electric mixer, beat the butter, sugar, and cocoa powder together on medium high speed until smooth, creamy and fluffy, about 3 minutes.

4. Add the eggs, one at a time, until each one disappears into the mix. Be sure to scrape down the sides and bottom of the bowl. The dry, gritty stuff wants to collect at the bottom. Don’t let it win.

5. Pour in the melted chocolate. Hopefully, by now your chocolate came down in temperature a little. It should feel like a warm bath. If it’s too hot, it might melt the butter, and that’s no good. If it’s too cold, it might re-solidify into little bits when it hits the cold bowl. So, warm. We want it warm.

6. In a medium bowl, stir together the dry ingredients, which include flour, baking powder, baking soda and salt. Stir ‘em up good.

7. Combine the milk and the water in a microwave-safe cup and microwave them until hot, about 45 seconds. Like a “too hot” bath.

8. Drop the dry ingredients into the mixing bowl and mix on low speed until MOSTLY combined, and then, with the machine still running, pour in the hot water/milk mixture. Be sure to scrape the bottom of the bowl again. The dry ingredients tend to hide there.

9. Pour the batter into a 18″ x 13″ sheet pan that’s been first sprayed with nonstick cooking spray and lined with parchment. (You can use any sized sheet pan with high sides — just pour in enough batter to come about halfway up the sides. If you have leftover batter, you can pour it into greased muffin tins, and bake mini cakes as well.) Spread it out evenly.

10. Bake in your preheated oven for about 18 minutes. Even though I specify a time amount, everyone’s ovens have a personality of their own, so it’s better to just pay attention to what the cake looks like. It shouldn’t look wet on top and will spring back when lightly pressed with your fingertips. Let it cool to room temperature. (Cake layer can be made a day ahead, if you’d like to break up the labor of this recipe. Wrap the whole thing, sheet pan and all, with plastic very well, and refrigerate.)

11. Cut a cake circle with each ring mold, regardless of which size you’ve decided to use. Place the molds on a parchment-lined sheet pan, one that will fit in your freezer.

Now, let’s make some dark chocolate mousse:

1. Make sure your dark chocolate is finely chopped and waiting in a large bowl. Resist the urge to eat the shards.

2. First we’ll rehydrate the gelatin (otherwise known as “bloom” the gelatin.) Sprinkle it evenly over a small bowl with the water. In 5 minutes, it’ll have slurped up the liquid and will look, well, gelatinous.

3. Next heat up the milk to a simmer in a small sauce pan. Stay close so it doesn’t boil all over.

4. Turn OFF the heat (This is important. When subjected to high heat, gelatin deteriorates and turns grainy) and then scrape the gelatin blob into the hot milk. Swirl the pan around until it’s completely dissolved. It’ll look like there’s nothing more than milk.

5. Pour this milk/gelatin concoction over the finely chopped chocolate and let it rest for 2 minutes. The heat from the milk will melt down the chocolate. Whisk it up into a smooth pool of goodness. Set it aside and let it cool to lukewarm. Don’t let it reach room temperature or the gelatin may start to set up.

6. Now, with a clean whisk, whip the cream to soft peaks. This texture is easiest to fold into the chocolate.

7. Scoop about a third of the whipped cream into the chocolate and fold in. Since the chocolate is kind of dense and heavy, this will help lighten it up. When we fold in the rest of the cream, it won’t deflate as much. Scrape the sides and bottom of the bowl as you work, gently turning the mix in on itself. Then add the rest of the whipped cream, and gently fold that in.

8. Pour the mousse into the waiting molds, filling them about halfway, without dripping on the insides of the molds. Otherwise when you’re ready to unmold the finished dessert, the sides will look messy. Put the whole tray in the freezer while you make the white chocolate mousse.

Make the white chocolate mousse:

The ingredients and method are pretty much the same as the dark chocolate mousse, except there’s less cream to whip.

1. Make sure your white chocolate is finely chopped and waiting in a large bowl.

2. First we’ll rehydrate the gelatin. Sprinkle it evenly over a small bowl with the water. In 5 minutes, it’ll have slurped up the liquid and will look, well, gelatinous.

3. Next heat up the milk to a simmer in a small sauce pan. Stay close so it doesn’t boil all over.

4. Turn OFF the heat (This is important. When subjected to high heat, gelatin deteriorates and turns grainy) and then scrape the gelatin blob into the hot milk. Swirl the pan around until it’s completely dissolved. It’ll look like there’s nothing more than milk.

5. Pour this milk/gelatin concoction over the finely chopped chocolate and let it rest for 2 minutes. The heat from the milk will melt down the chocolate. Whisk it up into a smooth pool of goodness. Set it aside and let it cool to lukewarm. Don’t let it reach room temperature or the gelatin may start to set up.

6. Now, with a clean whisk, whip the cream to soft peaks. This texture is easiest to fold into the chocolate.

7. Scoop about a third of the whipped cream into the chocolate and fold in. Since the chocolate is kind of dense and heavy, this will help lighten it up. When we fold in the rest of the cream, it won’t deflate as much. Scrape the sides and bottom of the bowl as you work, gently turning the mix in on itself. Then add the rest of the whipped cream, and gently fold that in.

8. It gets poured into the molds, most of the way up. Leave some space on top, about 1/8″ – 1/4″ for the chocolate glaze. Pop the tray back into the freezer while you make the glaze and garnish.

Make the garnish:

All we need are chopped chocolate and crunchy rice cereal

1. Melt the chocolate in a medium sized bowl by nuking it in a microwave. Start with 30 seconds, stir, then continue with 20 second intervals until it’s completely melted. Chocolate can scorch easily, so it’s best to do the melting in short spurts.

2. Throw in the cereal, and work it around the bowl until it’s completely coated. There’s something very satisfying about doing this. If some of this mix makes it into your gullet, I’ll look the other way.

3. Spread it all out on a parchment-lined sheet pan, keeping it in little flat clusters. This way, the cereal bits touch each other, and can dry in chunks. Pop it in the fridge to set up. (This keeps in the fridge for weeks. Once the chocolate sets up, you can break this up and keep the pieces in a small plastic container.)

Whew! Almost done. Let’s knock out the chocolate sauce/glaze:

1. Pour the heavy cream, corn syrup and oil into a microwave-proof cup and nuke until almost boiling (you might be able to see it gurgling in the cup), about 45 seconds. It will look curdled but pay it no mind. Stir it up to blend.

2. Pour over the chocolate and allow to sit for a minute to melt it all. Whisk everything until completely smooth.

Yup, it’s that easy. When it’s cold, it’s firm yet soft. When it’s warm, it’s liquid. Very versatile. (You can store this in the fridge for up to a week, but it will firm up. To bring it back to its liquid splendor, microwave it in 30-second intervals and stir between each nuking until it’s saucy.)

3. Wait until the sauce cools to lukewarm (so it doesn’t melt down the mousse), and carefully pour sauce onto the tops of your molds. It’s going to start setting almost immediately on contact from the cold, so work fast. Back into the freezer they go for at least 4 hours, to fully set. Once set, if you plan to keep them frozen for a while, be sure to wrap the tray very well to keep the cakes from absorbing strange freezer flavors.

To serve:

1. The day you want to serve them, you can unmold the number you need. They come out of the rings more cleanly when frozen. First, roll them around in the palms of your hands for a minutes. The heat helps release them.

Then treat them like a push-pop, and gently press them out. They have a tendancy to slip out and land with a thud on your tray, so go slowly.

2. Keep them uncovered in the fridge while they defrost. It probably takes a couple of hours to defrost something of this size. If you made a big cake, you may need another hour or two.

Don’t let them sit in the fridge for more than a day. The longer a gelatin-based dessert sits in the fridge, the more rubbery it becomes.

3. Right when you’re ready to serve, warm the chocolate sauce in the microwave for 30 seconds, give it a stir and pour some in your dish. Carefully place a cake in the center, handling it as little as possible to avoid getting grubby fingerprints all over it. Adorn the top and sides with some crunch pieces.

Close your eyes and get lost in the wonder of it all.

89 Responses to “Triple Chocolate Mousse Cake”

  1. Brenda says:

    I have made this cake in a 9″ springform pan and it turned out great. The recipe I used was from
    Cooks Illustrated magazine.

  2. Tracy says:

    Wow! I’ve missed seeing your posts, and then you come back in spectacular fashion! Can’t say I’ll be trying this soon, but what a visual treat to dream about making. Glad to see you back.

  3. PastryPal says:

    Brenda, I did see that recipe and it looks quite good. Many people rave about it.

  4. PastryPal says:

    Tracy, I agree, this dessert can suck up a day or two. Maybe some day the inspiration will hit. Thanks for reading :).

  5. sayantani says:

    Am gonna make it asap….looks divine and hats off to you!!!

  6. wow, very very beautifully done. step by step pics are just drool-worthy !!!

  7. PastryPal says:

    Sayantani and Priya, Thanks for stopping by!

  8. kesha g says:

    I follow your blog for posts like this!! You take something really intimidating and deconstruct it in a way that is attainable for the home cooks/bakers. I plan to make this very soon 🙂

  9. Basia says:

    Welcome back!!!
    I missed you!
    This cake looks incredible!
    Although…too much work.
    Can this recipe be done without gelatine?

  10. Mika says:

    Thank you Irina (my husband worships you by the way :D), I felt bad that you had a sprain and had to do this while nursing your leg..I hope it feels better now..The cake looks divine and I will for sure try it next weekend.. I just need to find those mold things since I don’t believe I have ever seen them before..

  11. Shumaila says:

    Beautiful presentation! This dessert is heavenly!

  12. What a spectacular dessert. This is something I would love to make. Thanks for the recipe!

  13. Eron says:

    Thank you so much! I love the thoroughness of your photos and descriptions. You definitely make this beautiful — and intimidating– dessert seem do-able!

  14. Astrid says:

    Beautiful!!! And so generous in the explanations, as always, thank you!
    But I want to know, what was Mika’s verdict?!!

  15. PastryPal says:

    Hi Basia, Thanks! Yes, you can do the recipe without gelatin but it will be a softer result, and will probably ooze a bit when out of the molds.

  16. PastryPal says:

    Kesha — Aw, that’s exactly the goal :).

  17. PastryPal says:

    Mika — Hopefully, your husband will get a homemade version soon :). The molds are typically sold in a baking supply shop, or very easily found online. I have a couple of links in the article. And thanks, about the ankle, it’s doing much better. I had no idea how long they take to heal!

  18. PastryPal says:

    Astrid—She just saw the post yesterday, and has yet to make it.

  19. Lwbookeater says:

    Wow, absolutely gorgeous, and I love how dedicated to the step-by-step your blog is. Two thumbs up on the rice crispy garnish: I had to double take, because I actually thought it was an espresso bean chocolate sculpture at first!

  20. Magi Glucker says:

    Wow, looks gorgeous and very professional.


  21. tiff says:

    Welcome back! I sure missed your posts! This looks delicious!

  22. Mika says:

    Thanks Irina, I will go to the bake shop sometime this week so I can make it this weekend 🙂

  23. Lynn says:

    Gorgeous! Thanks for all the instructions and process photos. It looks absolutely fabulous.

  24. Natalie says:

    Im so glad you’re back! ive been keeping you on my RSS feed just hoping you would come back… I especially miss your CanDoGal posts! Will you be posting on that website again soon?

  25. PastryPal says:

    Hi Natalie, That’s nice of you to do, thanks! And yes, I will be posting on CanDoGal again, so I hope you keep that one in your RSS as well.

  26. Beautiful! WB and I love your gorgeous toppers =D. I’ve been making a white chocolate mousse and strawberry cake myself. I add stiffly whipped cream to white chocolate ganache for it — perhaps I should whip the cream less based on your method here :).

  27. PastryPal says:

    Hey Xiaolu — Glad to “see” ya here!

    It’s worth a try. You may have an easier time folding it in. Also the texture might be a touch more dense and carry more flavor. But if you don’t like the effects, you still have your tried-and-true method :).

  28. Caitlin says:

    Hi Irina- love the look of this recipe! But do you have any ideas for substituting the gelatin for agar flakes? As I’m a vegetarian so wouldn’t be able to eat this delicious mousse cake after making it! Do you have any ideas for alternatives? Or how many agar flakes would be comparative to the amount of gelatin you used? I really want to be able to create this for myself!
    Thanks alot!

  29. PastryPal says:

    Hi Caitlin — Yes you can substitute. The texture will be a little more coarse, but still agreeable. Use 1 tablespoon of agar flakes instead of the gelatin. You don’t need to bloom it in water. Since agar doesn’t react to heat in the same way as gelatin, you can just add it to the milk right in the beginning of simmering, and it should dissolve. Hope that helps!

  30. Beautifully sculpted!

  31. Deanna says:

    Irina, I’ve missed you! Last weekend, I made a white chocolate mousse filling for a cake and I added a little bloomed and dissolved gelatin to the whipped cream and then added that to my melted white chocolate. (There’s nothing worse than a limp mousse when filling a cake.) Now I’m excited to try this method, adding the gelatin to the simmering milk. Now can you tell us the trick to a perfectly creamy vanilla pastry cream please?

  32. PastryPal says:

    Aw, I missed you too! I didn’t even realize it’s been that long. As far as vanilla pastry cream, I tend to avoid using it, specifically for the reasons you state. I just don’t like the texture much. I think it’s important to cook all the “rawness” out of the flour. Except to me, it seems like the flour never loses its grit. Maybe it’s time to experiment with different thickening starches.

  33. This looks absolutely divine! And I have to say, I LOVE that you took So many pictures! For us visual learners, this is immensely helpful! I so want to make this 🙂 YUMMMM ♥

    Please feel free to stop by: Trailing After God

  34. sara says:

    Oooooh, this looks SO good! Love the crunchies on top. 🙂

  35. sreelu says:

    what a beautiful cake, thanks for the step by step instructions , book marked and will sure give it a try

  36. Cali says:

    So amazing! I have been wanting to try this out for a while and finally did last night. It was fantastic! Easy to make, everything was amazing. I didn’t have any of those cookie cutter mold things you used, but I just used mugs and glasses and it was so delicious. I almost ate every single one.
    I’ll definitely be using this recipe again!
    Thank you 🙂

  37. Anne-Marie says:

    Stumbled upon your blog for the first time … and have not left my chair in the last 3 hours … so much joy and visual temptation. Please come back …. soon …

  38. Tiffany says:

    hey love the blog wish you would update more often!

  39. Rukhiya says:

    Hi! Thank you so much for the visual tour! I had made this dessert before, but when I felt like taking another go at it today, your blog really made it simple and not to forget, easier to recall. Have you tried making a double one? Sandwiching a layer of cake between two sets of mousse? I tried doing it but obviously it did not work out so well in appearance. When do you think I can add that extra bit? After the mousse has set partly? Also when I remove the mold from refridgeration (after being in constant fear of freezing the poor cake base) the chocolate ganache seems to drip off when left standing for a few minutes. Anything I could do there?

  40. PastryPal says:

    Rukhiya — You can certainly add more cake to the center. The nicest way to incorporate the middle layer is to cut a circle that is a little smaller than the mold you are filling (maybe a cookie cutter or a shot glass). Once you pour in the dark chocolate mousse, press the smaller cake layer into the center of the mousse. Then make your white chocolate mousse and pour it in. The smaller cake layer will be hidden in the center and only the base cake layer and two mousses will be visible.

    If the cake base freezes, it’s ok. It will thaw when you are ready to serve.

    Also, when you pour in the white chocolate mousse layer, leave a 1/4 inch free at the top. When you pour in the glaze, it will be contained by the mold.

  41. Rukhiya says:

    Hey! Thank you for the reply. I was trying to add the in-between layer of cake to the presentation and when I did, it felt like I had dunked the cake into the mousse! I guess I must have let it set for a while before going for the next layers? Anyway the batch I made yesterday has already flown off the shelf so I’ll keep the tricks for the next time. 🙂

  42. Diana says:

    Hi, just finish the last touch of the chocolate glaze and had just send the mold into the freezer….just waiting till it’s set, hope it turns out like your photo.
    Whale update again.

    – Diana

  43. Aggie says:

    Absolutely deliscious and beautiful! Instead of single cakes I made a 10″ round cake for my son’s birthday. Everyone loved it!
    It’s easy to make, just a bit time consuming, but hey, no pain no gain!

  44. Nadine says:

    this dessert is to die for!!!! I mean…I am thinking that my husband will finally get me the diamond earrings I have been wanting after he eats it. Bravo!!! your blog brings something unusual and professional looking…but we miss you.

  45. PastryPal says:

    Hi Nadine — Oh man, I love it! I hope you get them :)!!! And thank you! I actually plan to come back to blogging on a very permanent basis very soon, so I hope you stick around 🙂

  46. Blankie Monster says:

    Dear Irina,

    First and foremost, I miss you dearly. I keep checking in, secretly hoping that hotmail went berserk on me, refusing to send your updates. Alas, still quiet in here. Tomorrow, I will be making this cake for a sweet young lady’s birthday. I had great luck with your recipes so far therefore I’m keeping my fingers crossed while wishing you a fabulous holiday season! Hope you’re well!



  47. PastryPal says:

    Ah Tatiana! Now I know the name behind the “Blankie”. So nice of you to keep checking in. I WILL be back, with more frequency now that my schedule is lightening up, and have already started working on a new post. Hope you enjoy the coconut cake! Happy holidays to you!

  48. Blankie Monster says:

    I am proud to announce that this recipe is fool-proof. It received rave reviews and some even argued (!) that it wasn’t home made but purchased at the store (I am unsure of whether to be offended). All that glory despite my constant anxiety over the batter not looking thin enough , chocolate mousse looking inadequate and glaze not setting (ugh). All turned out well and fail glaze ended up behaving like Nutella. Even if you don’t spend that much time in the kitchen, this recipe will make you look like you live there.

  49. Melissa Cole says:

    I made this a few weeks ago…..amazing. My friends were so imressed! Not as rich as I thought it would be. I think next time I will add some kind of a nut component, just because I love that crunch!

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